The effectiveness of Hypnotherapy treatments for chronic discomforts varies in studies from 75% - 93% of fully recovered and vastly improved cases. Compared to a 10-20% recovery rate in usual care and placebo patients.
It doesn't matter what approach you look at whether it's Traditional Chinese Medicine, Energy Medicine or Western Medicine. They all operate under the same assumption: The body heals itself, we just need to give it the right tools. Think about it: a surgeon does an incredible job putting your broken bones back in place. But it's your body's job to grow the bones back together and to heal the wound. The body is made for that. Every second billions of changes and processes are happening in your body. Let's direct them towards your vibrant health!
We will look at the symptoms from the angle of their origins. If you want to grow a healthy plant you need to start with the right soil as well. A careful historic medical evaluation is important here. In approximately 85% of cases of chronic back pain patients for example no peripheral etiology can be identified. In order to create the right soil we want to stimulate a release of toxins (that can be physical, emotional or psychological) in order to stabilise body and mind. This will pave the way to HEALING and not only managing your condition.
Emotions & Energy
Holistic healing occurs at different energetic levels. These are the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual. Emotions are energies going through our body. All emotions -it doesn't matter if they come from your childhood or from yesterday- can be stored in some form in our body. Our being is a complex energetic system. It connects interior and exterior. It is linked to our organs, functions of the body and psyche. The first signs of stagnation or blockages in the energy flow, can be symptoms or minor discomfort in the body. Later on the stagnation can lead to illness. A chronic manifestation in the body means there has been a blockage of energy flow for a long period of time. The aim is to unblock the flow of life energy so the body can heal its symptoms.
What has your brain to do with it? Everything! Every pain is real! And it comes 100% out of the brain. The brain is the control station (directly or indirectly) of the functions in your body. If you touch a hot stove there will be afferent nerve pathways sending information to the CNS. The brain is the one interpreting this information as danger signals and will trigger the pain response. In reaction you will pull away your hand. Neuro Science has found that the brain is not set in its structure like previously assumed. Nobel prize winning Eric Kandel has revolutionised the medical world with his findings in changing brain cells. The process of new neuropathways being formed constantly is called Neuroplasticity. We have several very effective methods to form these synapsis in a rewarding way. For example: Chronic pain without tissue damage is triggered by "learned" neural pathways in the brain. Luckily throughout the treatment we can "unlearn" these anatomical changes and rewire attention, memory and pain centres in the brain.
There is a part of our being that is aware of the thoughts your brain is having - the mind. The mind has the power to create its reality and therefore heal any di-sease the body might have.
Throughout the treatment we will use Non-pharmaceutical Central acting therapies that aim to regulate the nervous system to reduce over-reactivity to stressors and maladaptive coping behaviors. We can use the power of the mind to even out biochemical imbalances in the body.